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Marvellous Mother Nature

I sensed tranquility 

I wonder the reason

It is the nature:

The radiating Sun eluded behind the cosy clouds

The whipping wind cools down to gentle breeze

The pouring rain slenderised  to a soothing drizzle

The roaring sky flattered by the praising seashore

Mother earth quivered in shivering mist

The mighty roses beating the naughty bees coyly

The cute calf sucking the milk in ecstacy

It is my turn:

 I can’t stop my soul from singing solemnly

I won’t shut my mesmerizing eyes glancing solitarily

I shall not obstruct my legs from dancing intensely

I am excited to work till I am drenched in sweat beads

I would love to tune my heart beat into a beautiful melody

I would tame my breath as a pleasing vocal


I am blest to chant your marvelous mightiness earnestly

I knelt down at your toes

Admit my bows…


I am Anjana Lahuri. I work in Taxes

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