Posted in learn from life

Little brook

I went to a beautiful brook

I befriended with in my childhood

 She is flowing relentlessly with same serenity with same youthful jolly

Years back when I played around the pretty pretty gardens in the boastful vicinity of her

When I swam in pinkish ponds with bluish fishes

over sexy frizzy curls of her

And I asked the same question that I asked years before

 My dear brook:

Where are you running?

 When is the end?

What is the purpose?

 She replied the same narration she narrated back then

When I pinched the pebbles she used to flaunt

When I teased with my paper boats throwing on her

Dear friend:

 I am flowing to distant lands

I run perennially

With a mission of borrowing the secrets of incredible civilisations in my burbles

With a purpose to carry the age-old customs in my swishes

With a responsibility to inherit the centuries back traditions to the new generations through my ripples

 I flow flow flow

In spite of storms that try to disturb my composing

In spite of big bays that try to engulf me

Then I thought:

O my God

Afterall my little brook taught me a lesson.

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Grand Mother Said

Grandma Said:

They welcomed the days with a clear view of bright-orange-red Sun dawning over the hills

They invited the mornings with the whistles and chirps from their henhouses and tree nests

They costumed the twilights with decorated thresholds and auspicious rangoli’s

They received the midday’s charm with farming and eating amidst the blooming harvest

They travelled along the post-noon when the Sun lurked through the foliages then slip into the brook beside bushes

Where they quenched their thirst along with their pet-herds

They returned in the shade of yello-gold- brownish Sunset to their coolant thatched abodes with dusty fragrant clads and fulfilled faces

They performed their dusk-tasks without any hustle- bustle with sparkling vigour in flaring fire sticks

They sleep under the moon splashed courtyards peacefully leaving behind tomarrow’s heart strained worries

 Telling the fairytales dreaming princy horses

I wonder I might see a day like that

Once  in a while

Once in a dream

Once in a lifetime.